Cool Updates from Google's Gemini AI Platform

Cool Updates from Google's Gemini AI Platform 

Hey there, tech wizards!  Let's dive into some awesome updates from Google about their Gemini AI platform. These new features are super cool and will help developers create amazing stuff!

1. Two Million Token Context Window - Say What?

Imagine having a giant notebook to write down all your ideas. Google had a special one called the "two million token context window," but only a few folks could use it. Now, it’s open for everyone using Gemini 1.5 Pro! This means developers can work on bigger, better projects without any hassle.

2. Save Some Cash with Context Caching 

Big notebooks can cost a lot! To save some money, Google added "context caching" to Gemini 1.5 Pro and 1.5 Flash. It's like reusing your old notebooks instead of buying new ones. This helps keep the costs low while developers keep creating cool stuff.

3. Code Execution - Math and Data Magic! 

Google added a magical new feature that lets Gemini write and run code all by itself. Imagine having a super smart buddy who can solve all your tricky math problems. This feature is available for Gemini 1.5 Pro and 1.5 Flash and helps make super accurate and smart applications.

4. Meet Gemma 2 and Speedy Gemini 1.5 Flash 

Google is also introducing a new model called Gemma 2. It’s like a new, improved robot friend for developers. Plus, they’ve made Gemini 1.5 Flash even faster and cheaper, so more fun and useful apps can be made in no time.

Special Shoutout to Diya Labs! 

Now, let’s talk about Diya Labs. Their learning platform is perfect for kids like you who want to be future-ready! They offer hands-on learning with cool tech and techniques just for your age. They have something called TechXploraTion, a unique and fun way to learn. Plus, they have a special Centre of Robotics Excellence (CoRE) to help you develop amazing skills for the future.

Want to learn coding? Book your free session now! Diya Labs offers certificates that are valued worldwide. More than 60% of STEM jobs need skills in math, coding, and problem-solving, and Diya Labs is here to help you build those skills.

Stay curious, keep exploring, and have fun with tech!